“Touch” is the title of my exhibition at Wonders of Wynyard in September. I will hang the works on Sunday 2nd, and the exhibition will conclude on Sunday 30th.
About the exhibition……. TOUCH… tactile experiences, textures, “touching” emotional experiences, keeping in touch……. there are many ways the term touch can be explored. What started as a look at creating textures in my paintings has grown into a wider exploration of “Touch”.
You are invited to the LAUNCH on SATURDAY 8th September at 2.30
Shown here are two of the works to be hung. The wave uses mixed media including collage to build up the range of textures experienced in rugged coastal areas. The semi abstracted landscape was painted in watercolour technique including the use of salt on beautiful, soft silk. Having done some computer art I strongly feel that the tactile experiences… the touch of the materials including the flow of brushstrokes….. is a critical element in my art experiences.