[slideshow]Here are some of the watercolour bookmarks made at the Workshops at Burnie Makers yesterday. Again I did not manage to photograph some of the lovely works….. but we did have Advocate photographer Meg visit and her lovely photo of Sudhes is in today’s Advocate with a write up by Cameron. Sudhes also made some wondeful silk badges at last weeks workshop. He has a lovely sense of balance of colour.
The aim of this workshop was about seeing how watercolour creates wonderful soft and hard edges, colours merge and “magic” can happen when you don’t push too much. Participants were asked to try various brushes and feel the difference and to use illustration as well if they wished… interestingly most preferred not to once they found enjoyment in the freedom of letting colour flow. I was pleased that they understood that while drawing is great and it is good to practise, not all painting has to be about colouring a drawn design/image.