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Events & Education: Explore Workshops, Classes, Demonstrations, and More >

The Lure of the Tarkine Coast

My exhibition of my favourite wild place in Tasmania is now on display at Burnie Rialto until 11 May. Watercolours, Acrylics and encaustic wax paintings. This is about half of the work, Some older, some new. The Lure of the Tarkine Coast,  Burnie  RIALTO, Tasmania 2019.

The Lure of the Tarkine Coast ARTIST”S STASTEMENT

In 2015 I was invited by photographer Dan Broun to be part of a contingent of about 80 artists working across a range of creative pursuits to respond to the unique Tasmanian Tarkine Wilderness. By raising awareness, the intention was to increase the likelihood of the area being made a national park. 3 subsequent events have been organised and resultant exhibitions have travelled Australia. Many of us return to immerse ourselves in the rawness of our stunning environment.

I am most drawn, as always, to the coast and Sarah Anne Rocks just south of Arthur R has a wonderful accessible coastal track.

The Tarkine has many moods…. from calm peaceful sunsets to wild seas unleashing their energy on the first bit of land encountered since leaving South America. Add brilliant red lichen, massive bull kelp, vast expanses of dunes littered with middens, amazing geology with twisted metamorphic strata and the dark tannin stained waters, and you have a lifetime of inspiration for a painter of our natural coastal landscape.


Evelyn Antonysen

Geo-artscape, Sarah Anne Rocks, Tarkine Coast. Acrylic JPG

Geoartscape, Sarah Ann Rocks, Acrylic on stretched canvas

Pieman R

Pieman River, watercolour

The Dark waters of the Tarkine

Arthur River, watercolour

Turmoil,, encaustic, Tasmania's Tarkine wilderness

Tarkine Turmoil, Encaustic wax medium

Unleashed Acrylic 90x60cmUnleashed, Acrylic on stretched Canvas