by Evelyn Antonysen | Dec 7, 2020 | All Blogs, art, commissions, painting, Tasmanian artists
I have not done an oil painting for a while, apart from miniatures, so enjoyed getting them out to do this commissioned work. The commissioner specified he wanted the colours in the foreground gum tree trunk and the old shingled hut in snow. I loved getting the...
by Evelyn Antonysen | Jan 31, 2015 | art, miniature art
All my posts lately have been photo challenges and I have so enjoyed them and the friends I have met and sites I have visited through joining in. But it is about time to put some paintings up again. On my facebook page (EvAntArtTas… button to the right) I...
by Evelyn Antonysen | Feb 24, 2012 | art, miniature art, seascapes, Tasmanian artists
I was proud to be presented with a gold medal for the President’s choice at this exhibition. If in Launceston you must have a look at the Australian Society for Miniature Art 2012 Annual Exhibition. Such variety this year and our artists are very skilled. Little...
by Evelyn Antonysen | Jan 10, 2012 | art, Art Classes, painting, Tasmanian artists
I love the vibrancy of oil pasel and the tactile experience of playing with them (most of my art is play/ exploration/ therapy/ relaxation). For some of this painting I heated the crayon with my embossing heat gun to put on a mark with luscious, thick colour. Other...
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