This is the first of some older commissions which I intend to add to my blog, which show a little of the variety I have completed over the past 20 years. The large sign is a donated work for Tasmania Regional Arts Kentish and Sheffield Inc, so I guess it is not really a commission as I was not paid anything, but the materials were provided. I did not paint the excellent text, or TRA logo. That was done by Annie Willock. This sign stands in the car-park at Sheffield with other signs which direct visitors to various attractions. The brief was to make something which reflected Sheffield (hence Mt Roland was included), suggests the nature of an art-space (the paintbrush) and allow for visibility of the text (the light colours and inclusion of mist behind contrasting text). It was also directed that it be “painterly” rather than a graphic design look, thus reflecting the “personality” of the Town of Murals, and to contrast with the commercially printed graphics works. The vertical format and proportion was mandated. I was pleased with the result using mural paints and sealing with an matt varnish for exterior protection. You can view this sign at Sheffield Tasmania, the town of murals and the host town of the annual, internationally acclaimed, Muralfest.