Forth Art Studio, 51 George St, Forth
class size limit 6
tea/ coffee provided. Soup and bread for lunch if you want it, or bring you own
Phone 64282675 or 0419282673 No art or drawing skills/ experience necessary. Good drawing skills do however do give more options as to what you can produce but sometimes they can also be a bit restrictive re allowing oneself to work freely. Either way you will be encouraged to work in a way that suits your skills and to find your genre and style.
SILK… SATURDAY 15 JUNE Choose either techniques for beginners, jewellery and cards or paint a panel or scarf. $40 full day (10 am to 3 pm or stay later if you wish). Materials extra from about $5 depending on how large you work and how many items you make.
CREATIVE WATERCOLOUR…SUNDAY 24JUNE Experimental and intense colour. Colourful silhouettes, Bob’s blobs, exturing with glad wrap, spray, blow and spatter . Full day , 10 till 3, $55 includes all materials.
ENCAUSTIC (PAINTING WITH MELTED WAX) …. SATURDAY JULY 6th 10 till 12. $30 includes materials.
Also at DEVONPORT REGIONAL ART GALLERY on JULY 4th, 6pm to 8pm. PAINTING. $18 non-members and $15 members. Materials provided. Ph 64248296 to book. (aimed primarily at beginners).